Docker Command Essentials

The idea of docker essentials is to summarize all the most use full docker commands.


Docker status related command

docker info

To check that the docker is working correctly. You need at least to have server detected.

$ docker info


Container related command

docker run

To create and run a container. You need to give at least a docker image as a parameter.

$ docker run hello-world

Interactive shell options

  • -i, --interactive : Keep STDIN open
  • -t, --tty : Allocate pseudo-tty (terminal)
$ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

Run ubuntu container, and launch the bin/bash command.

The container will run, as long as the application keep run.

Container naming

  • --name : define name.
$ docker run --name container_name -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

By default docker will give a container a name.

Detached mode

  • -d, --detach : Run container in background and print container ID

Port Publish

  • -p, --publish : Publish a container's port(s) to the host

Two ways of publish a port

  • Let docker to define the host port
    $ docker run -d -p 80 image_name
  • Define a specific port in the host. Here map the port 80 of the container to the port 80 of the host.
    $ docker run -d -p 80:80 image_name

docker ps

List containers.

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
8841e75b49a3        ubuntu              "/bin/bash"         2 minutes ago       Up 7 seconds                            container_name

List all container

  • -a, --all : Show all containers (default shows just running)
$ docker ps -a

docker start

Start docker by using its name or id.

Using name

$ docker start container_name

Using id

$ docker start 8841e75b49a3

docker stop

Stop docker by using its name or id.

Using name

$ docker stop container_name

Using id

$ docker stop 8841e75b49a3

docker attach

Attach to the container session.

Using name

$ docker attach container_name

Using id

$ docker attach 8841e75b49a3

In this case is the /bin/bash command launched.

docker logs

Fetch the log of a container

$ docker logs container_name

Use Ctrl-C to exit.

docker top

Inspect the processes inside the container

$ docker top container_name

docker stats

Show statistics for one or more running containers.

$ docker top container_a container_b

docker exec

Execute a command inside a container.

$ docker exec -t -i container_name /bin/bash

See the docker run for the -t -i options

docker inspect

To gather more information.

$ docker inspect container_name

docker rm

To delete a container

$ docker rm container_name


Images related command.

docker images

Lists all images in a docker hosts.

$ docker images

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hello-world         latest              693bce725149        11 days ago         967 B
ubuntu              latest              2fa927b5cdd3        3 weeks ago         122 MB

docker pull

Pull an image from docker registry.

$ docker pull ubuntu

We can specify a tag for a docker image

$ docker pull ubuntu:12.04

Where 12.04 is a tag.

Search an image from docker hub

$ docker search ubuntu

docker commit

Commit an state of a container to an image, this method is not recommended, instead use Dockerfile

$ docker commit 8841e75b49a3 container_new_name

commit information

  • -m : commit message
  • -a : commit author

We can also add tag to a commit

$ docker commit -m "message" -a "bowie brotosumpeno" 8841e75b49a3 container_new_name:new

docker build

Build a docker image from a Dockerfile

Define repository/name

  • -t : define a repository/name of an image
$ docker build -t="keraton/container_name:tag_v1 .

The . to reference the repository of a Dockerfile.

docker history

Show history of an image.

$ docker history 2fa927b5cdd3

docker port

To get an information about container to host mapping.

$ docker port 2fa927b5cdd3 80

In this example the port 80 of contianer 2fa927b5cdd3 is mapped to port 49154 of host

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